• Post category:Projects

‘n Stukkie geskiedenis het vandag in die Patent, Wellington plaasgevind op Pelikaan Sportsgronde…
Die jaarlikse Derby 1ste rugby spanne van Weltevrede en Bergrivier Hoërskool het saam ‘n vaardigheids sessie ontvang… Dis aangebied in samewerking met Cornal Hendricks Foundation en MyPlayers.
Dankie vir al die borge wat aanboord gekom het om die heuglike dag te bewaarheid.

Today were there a little bit of history made in the Patent, Wellington at the Pelican Sports Grounds…
The yearly Derby 1st rugby teams of Bergrivier and Weltevrede High School received a skills session together…
It was brought to them by the Cornal Hendricks Foundation and MyPlayers. Thank you so much to all the sponsors that came on board to make this day come true.

